When using an electric fan, some people like to be very close, turn the wind speed to the highest, blow for a long time, especially at night when sleeping all night or after intense activity, close to the fan blowing can cause physical discomfort:fFeelings of sultry, tired, weak body, weak hands and feet, severe headaches, fever, chills and other phenomena, and may even cause other diseases.
In Summer human body is mainly through the skin perspiration, heat dissipation to feel cool.But a long time besides the fan, the skin surface temperature will drop quickly,
the pores are blocked, and the heat in the body can not be emitted, making people feel hot.promote pore occlusion, the body heat can not emit, people feel stuffy.In addition, in the area where the fan is blowing for a long time, the surface temperature of the skin drops, and the epidermal blood vessels are still relaxed. This will cause abnormal blood circulation, affect the excretion of sweat, and cause the regulation of the nerve center to lose balance. The internal organs and nervous system of the body must work harder, so that there will be fatigue, headaches and other phenomena.
Therefore, when using electric fans in summer, it is better to use oscillating, low speed, natural wind speed, and breeze ceiling fan is better option when sleeping.